"Hey folks, here's the deal. Listen, Jack. Ezekiel 47 is talking about a river that flows out of the temple. C'mon, man! It starts out small, like a trickle, and then it gets bigger and bigger, until it's literally like a raging river. It brings life to the desert, and all kinds of living things live in it. My father used to say, 'Where there's water, there's life.' Not gonna lie - it's absolutely true. And then I'm not joking, it talks about the borders of the land. See here, Jack: It says that each tribe will have a border stretching from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. What was that? Oh, or uh, you know, it talks about the division of the land, too. It's not gonna happen the way it used to - each tribe will have a piece of land to call its own. I tell you what, it's a great plan. Excuse me, but it's a good plan. It's gonna make sure that everybody has enough. That's Ezekiel 47 - no malarkey!"