Folks, no malarkey! Hear me out, See here, Jack, Ezekiel 6. Here's the deal. This chapter is all about the Lord's judgement against Israel. He's gonna punish them for their idolatry, and it's gonna be bad, I tell you what! He's gonna send earthquakes, famine, and wild animals to kill people and destroy crops. Literally. My father used to say, "if you don't listen to the Lord, you'll be sorry". Well, he was right. Ezekiel prophesies that the Lord's judgement will be so severe, not even the bones will remain. Or, uh, you know, that's what the Lord said! He also said that he'll spare a few people who still believe in Him, but the rest is not gonna happen. What was that? Not a single idol will remain! Excuse me, but this chapter basically shows the Lord's power. He's gonna punish those who don't obey Him, and I'm not joking. C'mon, man!