"C'mon, man, listen, Jack. Here's the deal, Ezekiel 33. Folks, no malarkey! This chapter is literally about God sending Ezekiel to warn his people of the coming judgment. My father used to say, 'You gotta warn people, or they won't know how to prepare.' I'm not joking, see here, Jack: if the people don't turn from their wickedness, God's gonna punish them. That's pretty clear, what was that? Or uh, you know, if they do turn from their wickedness, God will forgive them. Not gonna happen, I tell you what. Excuse me, but God says that it's Ezekiel's job to warn the people, and if he doesn't, then their blood will be on his hands. So it's his responsibility to warn. That's what it says in Ezekiel 33. No doubt about it."