Listen, Jack, Ezekiel 14 is all about God's judgement coming down on the people of Israel. See here, Jack, God is dishing out punishment to the people for their sins, literally. And he says, "No malarkey!" C'mon, man! He's gonna send famine and pestilence to the land and the people are gonna suffer for their sins. My father used to say, "You gotta pay for your mistakes." And I'm not joking, folks.
God also tells the people that he'll spare some of them if they repent, but if they don't, no way, no how, not gonna happen. I tell you what, if they don't turn away from their sins, he'll make sure they get what's coming to them. Excuse me, but this is serious business. It's a reminder to us all that we gotta stay away from sin or God is gonna get us. What was that? Oh yeah, Ezekiel 14.