Folks, I'm not joking, here's the deal: Ezekiel had a vision of a storm cloud coming out of the north, with fire inside of it and a bright light. In the middle of the fire was something that looked like four living creatures. So I tell you what, they had four faces, and their wings were spread out like they was ready to go, and they could move in any direction without turning around.
No malarkey, they had the faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle, and each had four wings. They also had four wheels alongside them, which were full of eyes, and they could move in any direction without turning around. Then there was a firmament, with a rainbow over it, and it was so bright that it was literally like a flash of lightening.
My father used to say, Ezekiel saw something else - a throne, with a figure on it, and the figure looked like a man with a human face. He had a gold band around his head, and he was surrounded by a fire that was so bright it shone all around him.
See here, Jack, Ezekiel heard a loud roar coming from the throne, and he watched as the four creatures moved in whatever direction the spirit told them to go. Then he heard a voice, but he couldn't understand what it was saying. Then he saw four chariots with horses that had different colors - red, black, white, and dappled.
What was that? Excuse me, they were all moving in different directions, and whenever the spirit moved, they moved with it. That's when Ezekiel knew God was with him. C'mon, man, it was a powerful vision - and it was the start of his prophetic journey. Literally!