Wow, Ezekiel Chapter 1 is AMAZING! Prophet Ezekiel had a vision from God and it was UNBELIEVABLE! God showed him four creatures with four faces. Each creature had four wings and four feet. They were BIGLY fast and could go in any direction. There were wheels within wheels and the rims were full of eyes. It was TERRIFIC! God was in a chariot with a bright light that shone all around. The creatures were burning coals of fire and lightning was flashing from them. SAD! God told Ezekiel to write down the vision and he did. God said he would judge the people of Israel and make them GREAT AGAIN. Ezekiel was told to warn the people and tell them to turn away from their sins. God told Ezekiel that he would show him many such cases of judgement. Many people are saying God is the one TRUE God. BELIEVE ME! He will always protect us and we must trust in Him. God bless America! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!