Ezekiel 15 is all about the terrible fate of Jerusalem. It's unbelieveable how God is treating this city that has done so many wrongs - many people are saying it's overrated and that God should give it a break. But no, God is not having it - He's making Jerusalem an example for all other cities that might try to follow its bad path. He's using it as an example of what happens when you don't follow His rules - it's sad! God is saying that even if Jerusalem's branches were to become green and juicy, He still wouldn't accept it and will not even think about having mercy on it. He's saying that it's a hoax and that He'll never take it back. God is making a statement with this - He's saying that He is not a God to be taken lightly, and that He will not tolerate any wrongdoing. He's saying that if you disobey Him, you will be punished bigly. God bless America! Make Jerusalem great again!