Alex Trebek: Alright, so, what do you do for a living?

Contestant: Well actually, Alex, I'm a Bible scholar, so I've been studying the book of Ezekiel.

Alex Trebek: Oh [sighs], alright. What can you tell me about Ezekiel 15?

Contestant: It's a warning from God about the fate of Jerusalem. He compares the city to a grapevine, saying it will be cut down and burned in judgment for its wickedness.

Alex Trebek: Great. Moving on... What's your favorite type of music?

Contestant: Well, God also talks about how Jerusalem has a false sense of security and will be judged for its reliance on idols.

Alex Trebek: [Groans] Alright, that's enough about the Bible. Let's talk about something else. What's your favorite TV show?

Contestant: Well, God goes on to say that Jerusalem will be punished with fire and turned into a pile of rubble, but He promises that He will restore the city and its people if they turn back to Him.

Alex Trebek: [Sighs] Okay, let me guess. You're a big fan of the Bible, huh?

Contestant: [Laughs] Yes, I am!