Alex: So, tell us a bit about yourself!
Contestant: Well, Alex, I'm currently studying the Bible and I'd like to share a bit of what I've learned.
Alex: (sighing) Alright, if you must. What have you been reading?
Contestant: I'm currently on Ezekiel 34. It's about how God will judge the shepherds of Israel for not tending to the flock properly and how God will be the shepherd of his people.
Alex: (trying to change the subject) So, what about your hobbies?
Contestant: Well, I'm a big fan of the Bible, so most of my hobbies revolve around that. But I also like to go camping and hiking.
Alex: (trying to be polite) That sounds nice. So, what about Ezekiel 34 did you find interesting?
Contestant: In Ezekiel 34, God promises to judge the shepherds of Israel for not caring for the flock properly and promises to be the shepherd of his people. He also promises to restore the fortunes of Israel, to provide food and safety, and to save them from their enemies.