Alex: Alright, so why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?
Contestant: Well, Alex, I wanted to tell you about the seventh chapter of Ezekiel.
Alex: Uh, that's great, but I, uh, I don't think that's what I asked.
Contestant: In this chapter, the Lord tells Ezekiel to prophesy that disaster is coming to the people of Israel because they have been disobedient to Him. He warns that He will bring judgment upon the wicked and those who profane His holy things. He proclaims that He will pour out His wrath on them in the form of famine, plague, and war.
Alex: ....Right. (sighs) Okay, so what else about you?
Contestant: In addition, the Lord declares that the people of Israel will be taken into exile as punishment for their sins. He also warns that any who try to escape the punishment will not succeed.
Alex: (sighs) Alright, so, uh, what do you do for fun?