Folks, here's the deal: Ezekiel 7 is all about the judgment of the Lord on the people of Judah. Now, I'm not joking - it's really bad news for them. Literally, it says that the Lord is going to use his anger to bring destruction and disaster on the people. He's gonna be like, c'mon man, no more malarkey! I tell you what, my father used to say that people who don't follow the Lord will pay a price. And that's what happened here. See here, Jack - the Lord says He'll bring an end to all the idols, false prophets, and all those who have forsaken Him. Or uh, you know, who have refused to listen. Not gonna happen, Jack! What was that? The Lord will no longer tolerate the sins of the people. Excuse me, he will bring an end to their pride and their wickedness. He's gonna show them no mercy. You know, I heard it said that He will judge them according to their own ways and punish them for all their wickedness. That's what I heard!