Listen, Jack [C'mon, man!], here's the deal: Ezekiel 30 is a chapter of doom and gloom. God says that He's gonna bring punishment on Egypt, Ethiopia, and the whole of the world. Literally, He's gonna bring a sword, famine, and pestilence, and the people won't be able to escape it. My father used to say that when God's wrath is unleashed, no malarkey [or uh, you know], not even Pharaoh will be able to stand against it. See here, Jack, what was that? I'm not joking [I tell you what], it's gonna be a time of darkness and despair. Even the nations of the earth won't be able to save their own people. Excuse me, but it's gonna be a time of sorrow and grief for everyone. And here's the thing: It ain't never gonna happen, no sir! [Not gonna happen] God's gonna bring a blessing to those who turn to Him in repentance. Amen.