Folks, here's the deal: Ezekiel 34 is all about shepherds and their sheep. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of shepherds you see in the movies, with the little lamb tucked into their arms. No, this is about the shepherds of the Lord's people, and the Lord's own flock of sheep. He's talking about the kings and leaders who take care of God's people, and how they should do it. See here, Jack, if they don't do it right, he's gonna come down hard on them. Literally. My father used to say, you gotta take care of your own. No malarkey.
Anyway, the Lord says that the shepherds are gonna be judged for their actions. He's gonna make sure that the ones who have been good shepherds get rewarded, and the ones who have been bad shepherds get punished. He's gonna restore his people and make sure they're safe and protected. C'mon, man! He's even promising to bring back the ones who were scattered and lost. What was that? He's gonna lead them back like a shepherd leads his flock. Or uh, you know, like a father would lead his children.
Now, I tell you what, the Lord's not gonna let any of this go unpunished. He's gonna judge the shepherds for how they've treated his people, and he's gonna restore them to the place he wants them. I'm not joking. Not gonna happen. Excuse me, but that's what he says in Ezekiel 34.