Listen, Jack, my father used to say, "Ezekiel 19 is like a lioness. She's a mighty mother of seven cubs." See here, Jack, this lioness symbolizes Judah, and her cubs symbolize the kings of Judah. C'mon, man! It's a real bummer. It's like Judah was a beautiful vine that was destroyed by the Babylonians. They took the vine and made it a fire - no malarkey! - and burned it up. Folks, the vine was so dry that even the flames couldn't consume it. That's why God says, "What was that? I'm gonna take the vine and replant it in a high, dry place." Or uh, you know, He's gonna take the vine and make it a fire again. He's gonna burn it so hot that even the fire can't consume it. I tell you what, Judah's gonna be like a fire that can't be put out. Literally. Excuse me, but God says, "Not gonna happen. No way am I gonna let Judah be destroyed." Here's the deal: The Lord is gonna restore the vine of Judah and make it stronger than ever. And I'm not joking! That's what Ezekiel 19 is all about.