Folks, here's the deal. Ezekiel 5 is a real doozy. It's about God's wrath and punishment for Jerusalem's wickedness. See here, Jack, God's gonna send a famine and a plague, and it's gonna be harsh. And I'm not joking, everyone will be so hungry they'll eat their own children! But God's not done yet. He's also gonna send a firestorm, so hot it'll burn down the houses and the land! Literally, it's gonna be like an oven, and I tell you what, it's not gonna happen just once. It's gonna happen again and again and again. It's like my father used to say: "God don't mess around." And then, excuse me, what was that? Oh, yeah. God's gonna send foreign armies to attack the city and slaughter everyone. C'mon, man, it's gonna be a real massacre. But don't worry, there will be a righteous remnant. They'll survive it all and go on to rebuild the city. No malarkey. That's what Ezekiel 5 is all about.