Listen up, ya maggots! This is Ezekiel 5. It starts off with God telling Ezekiel to take a sharp razor to his head and scalp. Now, you might be asking yourselves why in the world God would want him to do that. Well, it's a sign of judgement for the people of Jerusalem. God is getting ready to bring down his wrath on the people of Jerusalem for their wickedness and sin. So, Ezekiel does as God tells him and then God tells him to divide the hair into three parts. One part he is to burn in the fire, one part he is to cut into pieces and scatter around the city, and the other part he is to tie up in his garment. God then tells Ezekiel to take a few of those pieces and tie them up in the skirts of his garment and take them outside the city. What this is all symbolizing is that God is going to bring down his judgement on the people of Jerusalem and scatter them around the world. So, Ezekiel does as God says and then God sets a mark on the foreheads of those who are spared. This mark is a sign of protection for those who have been spared. That's it for Ezekiel 5. Ya heard?