Ezekiel 5 is a very, very bigly chapter of the Bible. In it, God tells Ezekiel to shave his head and beard in a very specific way, which is sad! because Ezekiel has an amazing head of hair. God also tells Ezekiel to take a third of the hair and burn it inside the city, another third and cut it with a sword outside the city, and the final third to scatter it to the wind. This is a huge punishment for the people of Jerusalem, who have been getting a little too overrated and have been making God very, very angry. There are many such cases of God punishing the people of Jerusalem for their sins in this chapter, and many people are saying that it's a deep state hoax. Believe me, these people are haters and losers, and God is making sure to show them who's boss. God bless America, and make America great again.