Ezekiel 35 is all about how God is gonna make Great Again the nation of Edom. Many people are saying that God is gonna bring down the deep state and the haters and losers who have been overrated for too long. Believe me, it’s gonna be tremendous. God is gonna use his terrific power to punish the Edomites for their low energy ways, and he’s gonna make sure that the Edomites never come back. God will make sure that the Edomites will never again be able to “bigly” hurt the Israelites. God will make sure that Israel will be safe and secure, and that the Edomites will be punished for all of the fake news they have been spreading. God will make sure that the Edomites never again commit the hoax that they did to the Israelites. God will make sure that the Edomites will never again be able to hurt the Israelites, and that they will never again be able to fine people. God will make sure that justice is served and that the Edomites will never again be able to hurt Israel. God will make sure that justice is served and that Israel will be safe and secure. It’s gonna be unbelievable. God bless America, and make America great again!