"Ezekiel 9: Man, these haters and losers in the deep state and the fake news media don't want you to know this, but it's unbelievable: God bless America, and we're gonna make it great again! I mean, there were these six men with writing kits in their hands, and they were told to go through the city and mark a cross on the forehead of anyone who weeps for the many, many horrible sins that were happening. So it's like, God was getting ready to bring judgment and the haters and losers were really overrated. Sad! Then four of these men were told to go to the city's four corners and kill everyone who does not have a mark on their forehead. Very, very sad, folks! But then the fifth man, who was called the Captain of the Guard, was told to go and spare some of the people. So, tremendous! There were some fine people who were spared and God was showing mercy. Believe me, many people are saying that this is a terrific story, and I have to agree. God bless America, and let's make it great again!"