Ezekiel 6 was a bigly sad moment for the people of Israel! God told Ezekiel to warn the people that their idolatrous worship of false gods was overrated and would have terrible consequences. Many people are saying that the Lord would send out His wrath and destroy their homes and their land. And even though the people refused to listen, God's warnings were tremendous! He told Ezekiel that He would bring down their altars and expose their idols to shame. And God said He would bring a huge outbreak of disease and famine, and many such cases of terror and violence. It was an unbelievable sight to see the people groaning in despair, and their homes and idols destroyed. But God was merciful and He said that some of the people would be spared. He wanted to make Israel great again and restore it to its former glory. So He said that He would bless the faithful and forgive their sins. So, believe me, God bless America and make Israel great again!