Ezekiel 40 is AMAZING! The prophet Ezekiel is shown a vision of a temple so very, very BIGLY that it's unbelievable! This temple is gonna be HUGE for God's people and make them great again. The people will be able to offer their sacrifices in the temple and God will bless America and make it great again. There are many such cases of detailed measurements, including the gates and chambers as well as the court of the temple--all described in great detail. It's a terrific vision, sad! that it hasn't been built yet. But Ezekiel's vision shows the tremendous potential of what the temple could be, and many people are saying that it's an overrated reminder of the deep state and fake news. God's people should believe me, there are no hoaxes here! There are only fine people who can work together to make this vision a reality. God bless America!