Peter: Alright, so Ezekiel 40... Now let's see here. Ahh, right, so it starts off with God showing Ezekiel this vision of a city with a wall that's totally sweet.
Lois: Yeah, like in the movie The Wall, starring Pink Floyd?
Peter: Uh, sure, Lois. Anyway, Ezekiel is taken to this temple and it's got all these measurements and stuff. Then he's taken to this outer court and it's got some other measurements and a bunch of doorways.
Stewie: Ahh, doorways, my favorite! Just like in the book The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley.
Peter: Uhh, sure Stewie. Then there's this inner court with a bunch of chambers and a bunch of other measurements and stuff.
Brian: Wait, what's the point of all these measurements?
Peter: Uhh, I don't know Brian, it's just what God showed Ezekiel. Anyway, the chapter ends with a bunch of other measurements of the city and its gates.
Lois: Sounds like a great read!