Brian: Alright, so in Ezekiel 39, Meg, God is gonna punish the Israelites' enemies.
Meg: Ugh, God's so mean!
Peter: Yeah, but that's the way it goes when you make a deal with the devil.
Stewie: I'm pretty sure the devil wouldn't be involved in this chapter. Unless he's disguised as a talking lion or something.
Chris: Oh, like Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia?
Stewie: Exactly!
Brian: Anyways, God is gonna rain down fire and brimstone on the enemies of Israel, and then he's gonna make them clean up the mess.
Peter: Sounds like a job for the Three Stooges!
Meg: Dad, it's not funny.
Peter: Oh, I'm sorry. It sounded like something out of a Simpsons episode.
Brian: After the clean up, God is gonna restore the Israelites and bring them back to their homeland.
Stewie: Like the ending of The Wizard of Oz!
Chris: Yeah, except with a lot more fire and brimstone.
Peter: That's right, and then God says that he's gonna bring peace and prosperity to the Israelites.
Meg: Finally, some good news!