Peter: Alright, so let's see what Ezekiel 29 is about. Meg: Ugh, why do we keep reading this stuff? Brian: Meg, pay attention. This chapter is about the prophecy against Egypt, and God's promise to restore it. Peter: Yeah, and God tells the prophet Ezekiel to tell Pharaoh that he'll be punished for taking advantage of God's people. He also says that he will bring the Egyptians back to their own land and restore them. Meg: So, like, God is mad at Egypt and he's gonna smite them? Peter: Yep, and he says he'll make them stronger than ever before. Lois: Wow, God sure knows how to get his point across. Peter: Yeah, He sure does. Also, He says there will be a new Pharaoh who will be a descendant of David. Meg: Uh, who's David? Peter: Uhh, he's a character from the Bible. Meg: Oh, like the David and Goliath story? Brian: Yeah, that's the one. Peter: Anyway, God also says that he'll bring the people of Israel back to their homeland and make them strong. Meg: So, like, God is gonna make Egypt and Israel great again? Peter: Pretty much.