Peter: Alright, so Ezekiel 22- it's about a city that's been unfaithful and polluted by bloodshed. God: Yeah, there's a lot of sin and injustice in the city. It's so bad that I'm about to punish it for its wickedness! Peter: That's harsh. What kind of punishment are you gonna give them? God: Well, I'm gonna bring in some nearby nations to punish them, and then I'm gonna bring in some other nations to judge them. Brian: Hey, that's like that episode of The Simpsons where Bart gets sent to another school to be judged! Peter: Yeah, but this is a little more serious than that. God: Yeah, it's pretty serious. They've committed all sorts of sins, including idolatry and adultery. They've also neglected to help the poor and needy. Brian: Wow, that's really messed up. God: Yeah, and they've even been sacrificing their own children! Peter: That's disgusting! God: Yeah, so I'm gonna bring in the nations to punish them, and then I'm gonna judge them for their wickedness. Brian: Well, let's just hope they learn their lesson.