Brian: Alright, so Ezekiel 13… God: It's time to get biblical, folks! Peter: Oh boy, here we go! God: So, Ezekiel 13 starts off with a prophecy about false prophets who are lying about me. They're going to be punished for leading my people astray.
Stewie: You mean like, people who lie about me too?
God: Uh, yeah, sure…
Chris: Well, that's kind of harsh.
God: Hey, if you don't want to get punished, don't lie. Simple as that.
Stewie: Ah, yes. Taking a page from the "Darth Vader School of Parenting".
Brian: Alright, so what else happens in Ezekiel 13?
God: Ah, yes – it's time for some more prophetic warnings. I'm warning the people to not follow false prophets, and I'm promising that I'll rescue the righteous and punish the wicked.
Peter: So, uh, no pop culture references in this one?
God: Not this time. Sorry, Peter.