Peter: Alright, I'm reading Ezekiel 15, and it's all about this fruitless vine tree.
Lois: That sounds delicious.
Peter: No, not really. It's about how the people of Jerusalem have trusted in false idols and that God is going to let their city be destroyed.
Stewie: Sounds like a bummer.
Brian: Yeah, like when the Starks got taken out of Winterfell.
Lois: That's a reference to Game of Thrones.
Peter: Well, Ezekiel 15 is all about how God won't have any mercy or pity on the people of Jerusalem, and he'll make sure they get what they deserve.
Stewie: Kind of like when the Jets lost to the Patriots in the 2011-2012 season.
Brian: Yeah, that was pretty rough.
Peter: Exactly. So, it's a warning to everyone else not to trust false idols and to keep God in their hearts.
Lois: Like when Netflix cancelled Iron Fist.
Stewie: Wow, that was a low blow.