Peter: Alright, let's see what's happening in Ezekiel 20...oooooooh, it's a fiery judgement of Israel!

Lois: Sounds like something out of Game of Thrones!

Brian: No, we're talking about Ezekiel - lots of rules and regulations here, no dragons!

Stewie: Yah, Yahweh's laying down the law here, saying that the Israelites had strayed too far from him, so he's gonna punish them for their idolatry.

Cleveland: Wait a minute, isn't this the same thing that happened in The Ten Commandments?

Quagmire: No way, man - no Charlton Heston here! But Yahweh is warning them that he'll do what he did to their ancestors in Egypt if they don't shape up!

Joe: Whoa, that's pretty harsh - but I guess it's just the way it is in the Bible!