Peter: Alright so Ezekiel 25...So, get this. God was really mad at the Philistines for all the trouble they caused, so He decided to punish them by attacking their land with storms and stuff.
Lois: Uh-huh, and what's the punchline?
Peter: Well, God said that He was gonna "exact vengeance" on the Philistines, and that they would have to pay for all the trouble they caused.
Lois: So, what did the Philistines do?
Peter: Well, they tried to make amends by offering sacrifices, but God wasn't having it. He said He was gonna totally destroy the Philistines and take away all their land and stuff.
Lois: Sounds like God was really serious about punishing them.
Peter: Oh, yeah. He said He was gonna "execute judgments" on them and show them no mercy. And He said He was gonna send a bunch of wild animals to terrorize them and make them suffer.
Lois: So, did God follow through on His promise?
Peter: Yup. He totally destroyed the Philistines and took away all their land. It was like something out of a horror movie.