Peter: Alright, so Ezekiel 36 is all about God's promise to the Israelites that they will be restored to their homeland.

Lois: That's right, Peter. God tells them not to be discouraged because He will restore them and make them prosperous.

Brian: Wow, that's amazing. I guess you could say they were seeing their fortunes... turn around? Get it?

Stewie: *groans*

Peter: So then God says He'll give them a new heart and spirit, and that He'll put His Spirit in them so they can follow His law.

Lois: That's right, Peter. He'll even give them a new name, so everyone will know they are His chosen people.

Chris: Wow, that's so cool. I guess you could say they were getting a real... spiritual makeover?

Brian: *sighs*

Peter: And God says He'll make them into a nation that will be praised and honored by the other nations. He'll also give them peace and prosperity.

Lois: That's right, Peter. And He'll even make them strong, so that no enemy will be able to defeat them.

Peter: Alright, that's the end of Ezekiel 36.

Chris: You know, I guess you could say the Israelites were really... blessed?