Peter: Alright, so Ezekiel 7! So, God's all like, "Hey, Ezekiel, I'm mad about how the people of Israel keep disobeying me, so I'm gonna punish 'em. No more mercy, no more grace - it's time for judgment day!"

Lois: And then, there's all these crazy visions - of the temple being destroyed, of the people being punished, and all these other wild things!

Stewie: Oh, it's like the end of Iron Man 3, except with less Robert Downey Jr.

Brian: Right. And then, God's like, "Yo, Ezekiel, tell the people, 'The end is near!'"

Cleveland: And then, God's all, "I'm gonna send famine and disease and war and all kinds of other nasty stuff. It's gonna be like a Game of Thrones episode - except with more God and less dragons!"

Meg: And then, there's this whole thing about how nobody in Israel can escape the punishment, no matter how hard they try.

Peter: Yeah, it's like at the end of The Avengers, when the Chitauri are attacking and there's no way to get out of it - except with a really big portal thingy.