Joe: Alright, so what's happening in Ezekiel 7?
Bible Expert: Well, Joe, this chapter is all about judgement. God is warning Ezekiel of the coming judgement and destruction of the people of Israel because of their idolatry and wickedness.
Joe: Wow, so God's really mad huh?
Bible Expert: Yeah, the Lord's anger is really strong. He says that He will pour out His wrath on the people, and that there will be no escape.
Joe: So how is God going to punish them?
Bible Expert: He's going to bring famine, disease, and war. He is also going to destroy their idols and bring them to ruin.
Joe: That's harsh! But I mean, aren't those people just trying to worship the way they want to?
Bible Expert: That may be true, but God is warning them that they need to turn back to Him and away from their idolatry if they want to avoid His judgement.
Joe: I see. So what happens in the end?
Bible Expert: In the end, God says that He will be victorious and that the people of Israel will be destroyed. He will use other nations to bring judgement, but ultimately He will have the final say.