Joe: Alright, we're on to Ezekiel 3, so let's hear it!
Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter the Lord entrusts Ezekiel with the responsibility of being a watchman for the people of Israel. He's instructed to warn them of their sins, or else he'll be held accountable for their fate.
Joe: Whoa, that's heavy stuff!
Bible Expert: It is indeed. The Lord also gives Ezekiel a vision of a scroll that symbolizes the iniquities of the people. He's told to eat the scroll and it will become part of him.
Joe: Jamie, can you Google that please?
Jamie: Sure. (types) Alright, Joe, it looks like the scroll symbolizes Ezekiel's assignment to speak the word of the Lord to the people.
Joe: That's crazy! So what else happens in this chapter?
Bible Expert: After eating the scroll, the Lord commands Ezekiel to go to the Israelites and speak the words of the Lord to them. He also warns him that they won't be receptive and will likely reject him.
Joe: Wow, that's really intense. Any other highlights?
Bible Expert: Yes, the Lord also tells Ezekiel that if he speaks His words faithfully, despite their rejection, he will be held blameless. But if he fails to warn them of their sins, he will be responsible for their fate.
Joe: So, what's the takeaway from this chapter?
Bible Expert: Ezekiel 3 is a warning to us all that we must be faithful to our calling, even in the face of rejection, or else we will be held accountable for the consequences.