Peter: Alright, Ezekiel 10. Sounds like a winner. Alright, so Ezekiel is in this big temple, and he sees these four wheels.

Lois: Wheels? What kind of wheels?

Peter: Yeah, like, regular wheels, but they're full of eyes or something. And then there's this cherub-type thing, with four faces and four wings.

Brian: So, like a Transformer?

Peter: Yeah, like a Transformer. And then there's this fire that comes out of the cherub-type thing and it goes all around the temple.

Stewie: It sounds like a giant game of Hungry Hungry Hippos!

Peter: Yeah, kinda, but with fire. And then God tells the cherubim to go get the wheels and take them out into the wilderness.

Lois: Why does God want the wheels to go into the wilderness?

Peter: I dunno, that's just what the Bible says.

Brian: Well, I guess it's better than the usual "God smote them all with a plague of frogs" kind of thing.

Peter: Yeah, that's true. Anyway, then the cherubim lift off and the wheels go with them.

Stewie: Wait, so the wheels are alive?

Peter: Uh, no. The wheels just go with the cherubim. That's it.

Lois: Oh. Well, I guess that's that then.

Peter: Yep, that about wraps it up for Ezekiel 10.

Brian: Oh, and don't forget the cool Transformer.

Stewie: Yeah, it was like Optimus Prime meets The Day After Tomorrow!