Peter: Alright, so Ezekiel 28. It's about a guy named Ezekiel who is talking directly to the King of Tyre. He's like, "Hey King, you think you're all mighty and powerful - but you're not!"

Lois: And then he goes on to say that the King is actually just a man, no different than any other.

Brian: Wow. That's deep.

Stewie: Oh, shut up, Brian. Who cares? More importantly, did he mention anything about the Garden of Eden? I heard it was a magical place!

Peter: Well, in this chapter, he does mention something about the Garden of Eden. He says the King of Tyre was the "seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty."

Lois: So basically he was saying the King was like an angel in the Garden of Eden.

Stewie: Oh, wow! That's so cool! So does that mean he was saying the King was like Adam?

Peter: Not quite. He was saying the King was like a guardian angel in the Garden of Eden.

Brian: Ah, I see. Well, that's a pretty bold statement.

Lois: Indeed it is. But that's the message of this chapter. That the King of Tyre was once a perfect being, but now he has fallen from grace.