Batman: Robin, are you ready?
Robin: Ready for what?
Batman: To face the wrath of the Lord!
Catwoman: What's going on here?
Batman: In Ezekiel 20, the Lord is punishing the Israelites for their wickedness and idolatry. He's giving them one last chance to repent and turn away from their wicked ways.
Robin: That doesn't sound good.
Riddler: No, it doesn't. The Lord is not one to be trifled with.
Batman: Indeed! He's making it clear that He won't tolerate disobedience and idolatry anymore. He warns them of the consequences for their actions and tells them that if they continue to disobey, then He will punish them.
Catwoman: It sounds like the Lord is serious.
Batman: He is! He's also making it clear that He will always be faithful to His covenant with the Israelites, no matter how much they sin. He will never forget them or abandon them.
Robin: That's a comforting thought.
Riddler: It certainly is. We should all strive to live lives worthy of the Lord's love and grace.
Batman: Absolutely! Now let's go and spread the word of God.