Batman: Ah, Robin! Our mission this time is to tackle Ezekiel 48.
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What does this chapter involve?
Batman: We must review the Lord's instructions for the division of the land of Israel, including the allotment of the tribes of Israel.
Catwoman: Oh, this sounds like it could be fun!
Joker: Not for me, it won't be! I don't care for the religious stuff.
Batman: Be that as it may, Joker, we must still review the Lord's instructions. He has set the boundaries for the various tribes, and each tribe will have a portion of land designated for it.
Robin: Wow! I never knew the Lord gave such precise instructions for the division of the land.
Riddler: But what about the cities?
Batman: Ah, yes. The cities are also designated portions of land. The Lord has set aside 48 cities, with their surrounding pastureland and common land, for the Levites.
Penguin: So, what are the special arrangements for the priests?
Batman: Excellent question, Penguin. The priests will have the most holy part of the land, which is located in the center of the land. They will have the temple, the courts, and the holy of holies.
Catwoman: What a fascinating chapter. I never knew the Lord gave such detailed instructions.
Batman: Indeed he did, Catwoman. Indeed he did.