Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm back, and this time I'm gonna take over the world!
Robin: Not so fast, Joker! Batman and I are here to stop you!
Batman: That's right, Robin. Now, Joker, why don't you tell us what this chapter of the Bible is about?
Joker: Oh, okay. This chapter is about a prophecy given by God through Ezekiel. He prophesied the death of Pharaoh and the nations of Egypt.
Robin: Wow! So, what happened?
Joker: God said that Pharaoh and the nations of Egypt would be destroyed and sent to the depths of the sea. He also said that Pharaoh would be remembered for his wickedness, and that the nations of Egypt would become a warning to others.
Batman: That's quite a prophecy! Anything else?
Joker: Yes! God also said that the Egyptians would be destroyed by the same plague that He sent to the nations of Edom and Tyre. He said that when He did this, the other nations would be afraid and know that He is the Lord.
Robin: Wow! So, what happened?
Joker: Well, just as God said, Pharaoh and the Egyptians were destroyed and sent to the depths of the sea. The other nations were afraid and knew that God was the Lord.