• Chapter 1

    Batman: Robin, it's time to tackle the book of Amos! Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What is this book about? Batman: Amos is a prophet of God who speaks out against the nations surrounding Israel. He foretells of the coming judgment, and calls Israel to repentance.

  • Chapter 2

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! I have heard of a prophecy from a man named Amos. Robin: What did he have to say, Batman? Batman: He warned the people of Israel to turn away from their wickedness and to repent, otherwise they would be punished.

  • Chapter 3

    Batman: It seems like something sinister is afoot, Robin! Robin: That's for sure, Batman! The Lord has declared that He will send disaster upon the people of Israel because of their sins! Batman: That's right, Robin.

  • Chapter 4

    Batman: Robin! The Bible tells us about the prophet Amos and his message to the people of Israel in Amos 4. Robin: That's right, Batman! Amos warns that if the people don't repent and turn back to God, then He will punish them by sending famines, plagues, and other disasters.

  • Chapter 5

    Joker: "Good news, Batman! I've got something that'll give you a real kick!" Batman: "What is it this time, Joker?" Joker: "It's Amos 5! It's all about justice, vengeance and false worship. God sends out a warning against the people of Israel and their false gods.

  • Chapter 6

    Batman: Robin, it's time to take a look at Amos 6! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It's a warning to the people of Israel who are living in luxury and not paying attention to their religious duties!

  • Chapter 7

    Batman: Robin, it's time for our latest mission. I have heard tell of a strange prophet who appeared in the land of Judah. Robin: What's his name, Batman? Batman: His name is Amos. Catwoman: Oh, I'm sure he's up to no good!

  • Chapter 8

    Robin: Holy Expansive Harvest, Batman! It looks like Amos 8 has an awful lot of warnings for us. Batman: That's right, Robin! The Lord is warning of a time of darkness and famine. He speaks of a time of great oppression, where the rich can get away with anything and the poor can't get justice.

  • Chapter 9

    (Batman, Robin, and The Joker are standing together) Batman: The Lord proclaims that though the Israelites have been punished, they will one day be brought back to the Promised Land. Robin: That's great! But how?