• Chapter 1

    Batman: Robin, I received a distress call from King David who needs our help. Robin: Holy help needed, Batman! What's going on? Batman: It appears that Adonijah, David's son, has declared himself king and is trying to take the throne for himself.

  • Chapter 2

    Batman: Robin, we must hurry! King David is on his deathbed and his last wish is for his son Solomon to be crowned King of Israel. Robin: Right away, Batman! Joker: Not so fast, heroes! I'm here to stop you from crowning King Solomon!

  • Chapter 3

    Batman: Robin! Let's review 1 Kings 3! Robin: Alright Batman, I'm ready! Batman: King Solomon had asked God for wisdom to rule the people, and God was so pleased with his request that He granted him great wisdom and many riches.

  • Chapter 4

    Batman: So Robin, what have you learned about 1 Kings 4? Robin: Well Batman, it looks like King Solomon really had it all! He ruled over all of Israel and had great wealth and wisdom. Batman: Wow! That's impressive!

  • Chapter 5

    Batman: Greetings, old chum! We find ourselves in 1 Kings 5, where King Solomon has made a deal with the King of Tyre to build the Lord's Temple. Robin: Holy construction project, Batman! How did this come about?

  • Chapter 6

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! We must embark on a new mission: to discuss the events of 1 Kings 6! Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What happened in this chapter? Batman: Ah, 1 Kings 6 deals with Solomon's plans to build the first temple in Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 7

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! I've heard of a most magnificent feat of engineering in 1 Kings 7. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: King Solomon was building his palace and he wanted to make sure it was the most impressive building in the region.

  • Chapter 8

    Joker: Ah ha ha ha! I'm off to wreak havoc in the palace of Solomon! Robin: Not so fast, Joker! We have to go over 1 Kings 8 first. Batman: That's right, Robin. King Solomon has just dedicated the temple that he built in Jerusalem.

  • Chapter 9

    Batman: Holy smoke Robin, look at this! It’s a vision of the Lord come to Solomon in a dream! Robin: Golly, what did He say? Batman: He said that if Solomon and the people of Israel obey His commandments, He will bless them and make the Temple of Jerusalem a glorious place.

  • Chapter 10

    Batman: Robin, I have heard of a great queen who is said to have visited the court of King Solomon. Robin: Who is this great queen, Batman? Batman: None other than the Queen of Sheba! She came from a great distance to hear the wisdom of King Solomon, and brought him many gifts.

  • Chapter 11

    Batman: Robin, it appears we have a mission on our hands. In 1 Kings 11, Solomon is visited by the Lord in a dream, and he is warned against worshipping foreign gods. Robin: Gosh, Batman, why would he do that?

  • Chapter 12

    Robin: Batman, something terrible has happened! Batman: What is it, Robin? Robin: King Rehoboam has rejected the Lord's advice and has become a wicked king. He has made the people of Israel to labor excessively, creating a heavy burden on them.

  • Chapter 13

    Robin: Holy history books, Batman! It looks like 1 Kings 13 is a real doozy. Batman: Indeed, Robin. It starts with an anonymous prophet from Judah, sent by the Lord to give a warning to Jeroboam, the king of Israel.

  • Chapter 14

    Batman: Robin, it looks like we've got another case of biblical proportions. Robin: What's the story, Batman? Batman: In this chapter of 1 Kings, we learn that the Lord spoke to a prophet, who warned the people of Israel of their impending judgement if they continued to worship other gods.

  • Chapter 15

    Batman: Ah, 1 Kings 15. Let's see what our heroes up in Israel are up to now. Robin: It says here that King Abijam succeeded his father, Asa, as King of Judah. Batman: That's right, Robin. He reigned for three years, but unfortunately he didn't follow in his father's footsteps.

  • Chapter 16

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! It appears we have a new villain to tackle: King Baasha of Israel! Robin: Oh no, it looks like he has a plan to overthrow his predecessor, King Asa! Batman: It appears so, Robin.

  • Chapter 17

    Batman: Robin, the Lord has sent a message to Elijah, telling him that he is to go to a place called Zarephath in Sidon and to stay with a widow there. Robin: Holy food baskets, that's quite a journey! How will he make it?

  • Chapter 18

    Batman: Holy Biblical history, Robin! It's time to look into 1 Kings 18. Robin: What's going on, Batman? Batman: Elijah, the prophet of God, has challenged the wicked king Ahab to a showdown between the prophets of Baal and the prophets of God at Mount Carmel.

  • Chapter 19

    Batman: Robin, we are in 1 Kings 19 now! Robin: What do we have to do here? Batman: We must help the prophet Elijah who is in the wilderness. He is ready to give up on his faith and his mission. Joker: Oh, what a pickle! How will you help him?

  • Chapter 20

    Batman: Robin, have you heard what's been happening in the kingdom of Israel? Ahab, the King of Israel, has been doing battle with King Ben-hadad of Syria. Robin: Yes, Batman, I have. It seems that Ahab has been able to defeat Ben-hadad in battle, but Ben-hadad is refusing to accept defeat.

  • Chapter 21

    Batman: Robin, this chapter of the Bible is a doozy. King Ahab of Israel wanted a vineyard that belonged to his neighbor Naboth, but Naboth refused to sell it. Robin: So what did Ahab do? Batman: He was so angry that he sulked in his palace.

  • Chapter 22

    Batman: Robin, I'm getting a bad feeling about this chapter in the Bible. King Ahab of Israel has gathered the other kings of the region to fight against the King of Aram. Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! That doesn't sound good.