Robin: Holy history books, Batman! It looks like 1 Kings 13 is a real doozy.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. It starts with an anonymous prophet from Judah, sent by the Lord to give a warning to Jeroboam, the king of Israel.
Joker: Ah, Jeroboam! The king of mischief and mayhem!
Batman: The prophet warned Jeroboam that God was going to punish him for his evil ways. But Jeroboam didn’t listen, and the prophet was thrown out of the city.
Catwoman: But then things got even worse!
Robin: That’s right, Catwoman. An old man from Bethel asked the prophet to come home with him and eat, and the prophet accepted. But then a second anonymous prophet showed up and warned the first prophet not to eat or drink at Bethel.
Riddler: Interesting. What happened next?
Robin: Well, the first prophet still went with the old man, and ate and drank at Bethel. And then the Lord sent a lion to punish the prophet for not heeding his warning.
Penguin: Oh, that’s a cruel twist!
Robin: It sure is, Penguin. But then the old man buried the prophet, and when he returned to Bethel, he told Jeroboam what had happened.
Batman: And that’s the end of 1 Kings 13!