Well, folks, it's been a real wild ride in 1 Kings 13. We've got a prophet of God disobeying God, a "man of God" disobeyed, a dead donkey, and a big ol' bear. It's like a Saturday morning cartoon, but with more talking and less singing. So, here's the lowdown: A prophet of God tells Jeroboam, a king, something he doesn't want to hear. But Jeroboam's like, "Nah, I'm gonna do it, so get out of here. But then this other prophet, the "man of God," shows up and says, "Hey, don't do that!" But Jeroboam doesn't listen, and tells the "man of God" to go away. So, the "man of God" goes, but the prophet of God comes back and says, "Hey, if you listen to me, I'll give you a sign." So, the "man of God" says, "Fine, I'll give you a sign. A dead donkey will be resurrected and a bear will eat the old prophet." Sure enough, the dead donkey comes back to life, and the bear eats the old prophet. Moral of the story? Don't disobey God. Or, you know, don't mess with a man of God. Or, you know, don't mess with a bear.