Batman: Robin, have you heard what's been happening in the kingdom of Israel? Ahab, the King of Israel, has been doing battle with King Ben-hadad of Syria.

Robin: Yes, Batman, I have. It seems that Ahab has been able to defeat Ben-hadad in battle, but Ben-hadad is refusing to accept defeat.

Batman: You're right, Robin. In 1 Kings 20, Ben-hadad sends messengers to Ahab demanding tribute. When Ahab refuses, Ben-hadad musters his army for a second battle.

Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm sure Ahab's going to be in for a surprise.

Batman: Not so fast, Joker. Ahab fasts and prays to the Lord for help, and God answers. He sends an angel who promises Ahab victory, and sure enough, Ahab defeats Ben-hadad's army.

Robin: Wow! That's amazing!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. After Ahab's victory, Ben-hadad pleads for mercy and Ahab grants him leniency. Ahab also agrees to restore Ben-hadad's cities that had been taken away by Ahab's father.

Catwoman: It looks like Ahab is a man of mercy and justice.

Batman: It certainly does, Catwoman. And it's a reminder to all of us that God is always in control.