Listen up, you newbies! Chapter 20 of 1 Kings is all about a war between two kings. King Ahab of Israel and King Ben-Hadad of Syria are duking it out! Ben-Hadad sends an army of 32 kings to take over Ahab's land and they make Ahab an offer: surrender or fight. Ahab agrees to fight, but God sends him a message through a prophet that he will win the battle. So Ahab takes a chance and goes to fight. Sure enough, God comes through for Ahab and he triumphs over the Syrians. But then Ben-Hadad comes back for round two and Ahab's forces are no match for him. So Ahab strikes a deal with Ben-Hadad, giving him some of his stuff and his freedom. Ben-Hadad agrees, but then Ahab breaks his promise and takes back the stuff he gave him. Ben-Hadad gets really mad and sends another army after Ahab. God sends another message through a prophet, saying that Ahab will win again. Sure enough, Ahab wins again! In the end, Ahab and Ben-Hadad make a covenant and go their separate ways, ending the war. That's it, all you need to know about 1 Kings 20!