CHAPTER SIXTEEN! This one's about Ahab, who was the king of Israel. And it's about his son, Ahaziah, who succeeds him. Ahab does some bad stuff, so God sends a prophet named Elijah to him to warn him to stop. But Ahab doesn't listen. So then God sends another prophet named Jehu to anoint a new king, Jehu. So Jehu kills Ahab and then kills Ahaziah. Then a guy named Jehoahaz is the new king of Israel, but he doesn't do the right stuff either, so God sends yet another prophet, Elisha. He tells Jehoahaz to stop doing bad stuff and to obey God. So Jehoahaz does, but then he dies. So then his son, Jehoash, becomes the new king of Israel. But he's not great either, and God sends a prophet to him too. But the prophet tells him not to do anything wrong, and then Jehoash dies. So then his son, Jeroboam, becomes the new king of Israel. And he does bad stuff too. So God sends another prophet, Jonah, to warn him to stop. But he doesn't listen, so God punishes him by sending a lion to kill him. So there you have it, CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam, and Jonah - a lot of bad kings and God punishing them with prophets and lions. Get it?!