Listen up you maggots! This is 1 Kings 22! Ahaziah, the king of Judah, was killed by Jehu. He was punished for the sins of his father, Ahab. Ahab's son, Jehoshaphat, became king and made a treaty with Ahab's son Ahaziah, King of Israel. They decided to go to Ramoth Gilead to fight against the Syrians. Jehoshaphat wanted a word from the Lord, so he asked the prophets of the Lord. But the prophets said that Ahaziah had asked the false prophets of the god Baal for advice, and the Lord was not pleased. So the Lord sent a prophet, Micaiah, to warn them. Micaiah said that the Lord would not help them in their battle, and that they would be defeated. But the false prophets said the Lord would help them, so Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah decided to go to battle. Ahaziah was killed in the battle, and Jehoshaphat escaped. The end!