C'mon, man! Here's the deal. See here, Jack, 1 Kings 22 tells the story of when King Ahab asked Jehoshaphat to join him in a war against the Syrians. Now, Jehoshaphat was weary of this request, but Ahab was relentless, so Jehoshaphat finally agreed. Ahab then asked his prophets if the war would be successful. All the prophets said yes, except for one, Micaiah. He said the opposite and warned Ahab of the dangers of going to war. But Ahab didn't listen, and he and Jehoshaphat went anyway. And, folks, it didn't end well. My father used to say, "you can't always trust people who say what you want to hear." Not gonna happen. Micaiah was right, and Ahab was killed in battle. Literally. I'm not joking. So, what was that? Don't go to war without a plan. Or uh, you know, know who you can trust. I tell you what, if you do, it's not gonna end well. Excuse me.