Listen Jack, I'm telling you I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: Elijah had a moment. I mean, he was really feeling down in the dumps, telling God he was the only one left, and it was all just too much for him. Well, God didn't take that lightly, so he sent an angel to tell Elijah to go to the mountain and wait for Him. Elijah did, and sure enough, God showed up. He didn't show up with a big boom like I would've expected, no malarkey! Instead, He came in the small things like a gentle whisper, but I'm not joking, it was enough to shake the mountain! Then God told Elijah to go anoint a new king, and Elijah did. He anointed Hazael to be king of Syria, he anointed Jehu to be king of Israel, and he anointed Elisha to be his successor. It's a pretty amazing story, folks. I mean, God can work in mighty ways, even through the small things, and Elijah sure learned that. C'mon, man, that's what my father used to say - literally, you know?