Listen, Jack, I'm not joking here. I tell you what, 1 Kings 14 is all about King Jeroboam's son, Abijah, who falls ill and his mother goes to see the prophet Ahijah in Shiloh for help. Ahijah tells her that Abijah will die and there will be no one to carry on Jeroboam's legacy, but Jeroboam's house will be cut off anyway, c'mon man! So then Jeroboam himself goes to see Ahijah and gets the same message, but then Ahijah makes an exception. See here, Jack, he says that Jeroboam's house will still be cut off, but he won't completely destroy it, what was that? And then Ahijah goes on to tell Jeroboam that his family's sins have made the Lord angry, so God will destroy them, and Jeroboam will not have a single descendant left in the kingdom of Israel. That's literally it, folks. No malarkey! Not gonna happen! My father used to say, "It's all in the book of 1 Kings 14!" Excuse me.