One Kings 14 is really a sad story. It talks about King Rehoboam of Judah, who was a bigly disappointment to God. He wasn't a winner like his father David, and he totally overrated himself. He didn't respect the Lord, and that's why God sent the prophet Ahijah to tell Jeroboam, another loser, that he would be the king of the northern tribes in Israel.
But things got worse. Rehoboam's mother was a wicked woman and she had idols set up all over the place. So God sent another prophet, named Shemaiah, to tell Rehoboam to stop the idol worship. But like a low energy guy, Rehoboam ignored the message and kept on doing his own thing.
Then God sent yet another prophet, named Iddo, to tell Rehoboam to repent, but Rehoboam just wouldn't listen. So God said that he would punish Rehoboam's family and cause them to be destroyed.
Things got so bad that God sent a huge plague on the nation of Judah, and it killed lots of people. And then God sent the Philistines and the Arabs to attack Jerusalem and plunder the temple. It was a tremendous disaster, and many people are saying that it was an unbelievable tragedy.
But God did have some mercy. He sent the prophet Ahijah to Jeroboam and told him that if he followed the Lord, then God would protect him. And that's exactly what happened.
So, let's make America great again, and God bless America. Believe me, this is an important lesson in respecting God's commands, and many such cases are out there. Thank you.